Table of Contents


Part I. New to SRE

1. Site Reliability Engineering in Six Words

2. Do We Know Why We Really Want Reliability?

3. Building Self-Regulating Processes

4. Four Engineers of an SRE Seder

5. The Reliability Stack

6. Infrastructure: It’s Where the Power Is

7. Thinking About Resilience

8. Observability in the Development Cycle

9. There Is No Magic

10. How Wikipedia Is Served to You

11. Why You Should Understand (a Little) About TCP

12. The Importance of a Management Interface

13. When It Comes to Storage, Think Distributed

14. The Role of Cardinality

15. Security Is like an Onion

16. Use Your Words

17. Where to SRE

18. Dear Future Team

19. Sustainability and Burnout

20. Don’t Take Advice from Graybeards

21. Facing That First Page

Part II. Zero to One

22. SRE, at Any Size, Is Cultural

23. Everyone Is an SRE in a Small Organization

24. Auditing Your Environment for Improvements

25. With Incident Response, Start Small

26. Solo SRE: Effecting Large-Scale Change as a Single Individual

27. Design Goals for SLO Measurement

28. I Have an Error Budget—Now What?

29. How to Change Things

30. Methodological Debugging

31. How Startups Can Build an SRE Mindset

32. Bootstrapping SRE in Enterprises

33. It’s Okay Not to Know, and It’s Okay to Be Wrong

34. Storytelling Is a Superpower

35. Get Your Work Recognized: Write a Brag Document

Part III. One to Ten

36. Making Work Visible

37. An Overlooked Engineering Skill

38. Unpacking the On-Call Divide

39. The Maestros of Incident Response

40. Effortless Incident Management

41. If You’re Doing Runbooks, Do Them Well

42. Why I Hate Our Playbooks

43. What Machines Do Well

44. Integrating Empathy into SRE Tools

45. Using ChatOps to Implement Empathy

46. Move Fast to Unbreak Things

47. You Don’t Know for Sure Until It Runs in Production

48. Sometimes the Fix Is the Problem